Victim Resources


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Key Phone #s - Sheridan & Arapahoe County

Sheridan Police Department Address & Phone Numbers

Victim Services Unit


City of Sheridan Municipal Court

4101 S. Federal Blvd,
Sheridan CO 80110

Main Line 303-762-2200
Main Court Line 303-762-2204

Sheridan Non-Emergency Dispatch


Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office
Address & Phone Numbers

Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office

13101 E. Broncos Parkway
Centennial, CO 80112

Dispatch Non-Emergency

Victim Assistance Program






Evidence and Property

Front Desk



Arapahoe County Combined Courts

7325 South Potomac Street
Centennial, CO 80112

District Attorney

Victim / Witness - DV Fast Track

Victim / Witness (Room 208)

County Court A:

1790 W Littleton Boulevard
Littleton, CO 80120

Traffic and Civil including Civil Protection Orders

Victim Compensation

6450 South Revere Parkway
Centennial, CO 80111


How We Can Help - Victim Advocacy & Resources

Go directly to menu item by tapping link below:

Crisis Intervention


Support & Referrals

Common Reactions to Trauma

Statewide Resources

Crisis Intervention

24-hour on-scene crisis intervention for victims, witnesses, family members and other individuals involved in incidents of criminal activity, serious bodily injury, or sudden death in which law enforcement has been notified and is involved.

Victim Advocates respond to crime scenes, hospitals, the Sheriff’s Office, or other locations as requested by a deputy or investigator.


An advocate will be assigned to your case and will contact you as soon as reasonably possible with information about the status of your case, and to provide information about referrals for therapy, victim’s compensation, and financial resources if applicable.  Additionally, the advocate assigned to your case will provide you with information about protection services such as the Address Confidentiality Program, protection orders, legal services, and other requirements as mandated by law.

Please feel free to contact us at any time with questions or concerns at 303-438-3342, or via dispatch using the non-emergency number 303-762-2211, or email at

Advocates will provide accurate procedural and factual information concerning the victimization, death, or accident, and act as a liaison with law enforcement, criminal justice and community resource agencies.

Victims/witnesses who seek professional assistance immediately after a traumatic incident are less likely to suffer from long term negative effects from that trauma.

Support and Referrals:

Immediate support includes listening to the victims, exploring options, providing notifications as needed.  Helping victims build a strong support network, and providing information regarding community resources such as: mental health counseling, victim compensation, and/or emergency shelter.

Follow-up support is provided to help victims, witnesses, and family members explore options and strategies for the immediate aftermath of a victimization or traumatic event. 

Common Reactions to Trauma

A victim or witness of a traumatic event will experience reactions that would cause signs of distress in almost anyone. These reactions may be of short or prolonged duration. They may occur immediately or may surface at a later time.

Common Reactions

  • Self-blame
  • Poor recall of the assault or other memories
  • Fear
  • Anger
  • Denial
  • Agitation
  • Increased Anxiety
  • Sense of Loss of the following:
  • Safety 
  • Trust 
  • Innocence
  • Hope 
  • Personal boundaries 
  • Power and control

Emotional Reactions

  •    Anxiety 
  •    Tenseness 
  •    Fear 
  •    Hopelessness 
  •    Guilt 
  •    Sadness 
  •    Depression 
  •    Vulnerability 
  •    Anger 
  •    Over-sensitivity 

Physical Reactions 

  • Shortness of breath 
  • Sweating 
  • Nausea/vomiting 
  • Increased heart rate 
  • Heightened startle response 
  • Increased sense of smell 
  • Change in appetite 
  • Change in sleep patterns 
  • Fatigue 
  • General health problems 

Thought Changes

  • Recall of similar experiences 
  • Frequent thoughts of event 
  • Memory loss of some or all of event 
  • Confusion 
  • Poor concentration

Long Term Effects can be:

  • Appetite disturbance
  • Nightmares or insomnia
  • Hesitation in forming new relationships
  • Persistent fear or depression
  • Sense of helplessness
  • Problems with sexual intimacy
  • Withdrawal from friends and / or relatives
  • Substance use or abuse

It is normal and natural to feel a variety of reactions. These are normal responses to abnormal situations. These reactions are not uncommon but may be unique to you.

Important items to keep readily available if you’re involved in a domestic violence situation may include:

  • Driver’s license / ID Cards
  • Passports, green cards, work permits 
  • Protection Orders
  • Lease agreements/ House deed 
  • Birth and divorce certificates 
  • Phone numbers and Address book 
  • Medicine 
  • Passwords 
  • School and medical records 
  • Keys (house, car, office) 
  • Insurance Papers 
  • Clothes 
  • Money (cash, bankbooks, credit cards) 
  • Pictures or other sentimental items 
  • Car registration 
  • Your children’s favorite toys 

If the offender lived with you and  has moved out or you believe the offender may have access to your home, change the locks on your doors and get locks for the windows. Screen your calls and/or get Caller ID. Consider changing your phone number and/or trading in your mobile phone. Your home computer use may be monitored, so use a “safe computer” at a library/public area, change passwords, and create a new & anonymous email address.


For more specific local resources please contact the Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office Victim Assistance Program at 720-874-4038.

Asian Pacific Development Center 

1537 Alton St  •  Aurora, CO 80010  •  303-923-2920

Violence Free Colorado (Domestic Violence Resource)  

1330 Fox Street, Suite 3, Denver, CO 80204  •  303-831-9632

Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault

1330 Fox Street, Suite 2, Denver, CO 80204 


Colorado Division of Criminal Justice ~ Office for Victims Programs  


The Initiative  

6825 E Tennessee Ave Ste #475, Denver, CO 80224 

303-839-5510 or text 720-503-9580


Advocacy for abused deaf women & children 

Office 303-831-7932 or 

Crisis line 303-831-7874 or 

Gateway Battered Women’s Services 

Administration 303-343-1856

Crisis line 303-343-1851 

Jewish Family Service of Colorado 

3201 South Tamarac Drive, Denver, CO 80231


The Kempe Center

13123 E 16th Ave.; B390, Aurora, CO 80045


Project Safeguard 

7325 South Potomac St., Centennial, CO 80112


Servicios de la Raza (English/Español)

3131 W. 14th Avenue, Denver, CO 80204 


The Blue Bench (Formerly RAAP (Rape Assistance and Awareness Program))  


National Domestic Violence Hotline  

800-799-7233 English/Español; 800-787-3224 TTY  

National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline 

866-331-9474 English  1-866-331-8453 TTY

Text:  loveis to 22522

Colorado Front Range Chapter of Parents of Murdered Children 


Mile High United Way 

211 or 866-760-6489

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Criminal Justice Agencies With Responsibilities For Providing Rights To Victim of Crime

District Attorney’s Office

18th Judicial District
6450 South Revere Parkway
Centennial, CO 80111

Probation Department 

18th Judicial District
6904 S Lima St
Centennial, CO 80112

Department of Corrections (DOC) – Victim Services

DOC Victim Notification Program
1250 Academy Park Loop
Colorado Springs, CO 80910
719-226-4709 or 800-886-7688 

Division of Youth Services – Victim Services

4141 S Julian Way
Denver, CO 80236

Mental Health Institute of Colorado

1600 West 24th Street
Pueblo, CO 81003

Agency Responsibilities 

Criminal justice agencies have certain responsibilities for assuring that victims receive their rights. These responsibilities are as follows: 

Law Enforcement’s Responsibilities 

Law enforcement agencies have the responsibility to provide victims of crime with written information about: 

  • The rights enumerated in the Victim Rights Act; 

  • The availability of financial resources such as victim compensation benefits and how to apply for those benefits; 

  • The availability of protective court orders in order to obtain protection from the person accused of committing the crime; and 

  • The availability of a free copy of the initial incident report. Law enforcement maintains discretion to determine when the initial incident report can be released to the victim. 

  • In addition, law enforcement agencies are required to: 

  • Provide information about community services such as crisis intervention services, victim assistance resources, legal resources, mental health services, financial services, applicable protection services, and other support services; 

  • Provide information about interpretation services, assistance in dealing with creditors due to financial setbacks caused by the crime and childcare to enable a crime victim to cooperate with the prosecution; 

  • Provide the victim of crime with the business address and telephone number of the district attorney’s office, the file number of the case and the name, business address and telephone number of any law enforcement officer assigned to investigate the case; 

  • Keep the victim of crime informed as to whether a suspect has been taken into custody and, if known, whether the suspect has been released from custody and any bond conditions imposed upon the suspect; 

  • Update the victim on the status of the case, prior to the filing of charges; 

  • Upon the request of the victim, return the victim’s property within 5 working days when it is no longer needed for evidentiary reasons; 

  • Inform the victim of the existence of the criminal protection order and upon the request of the victim, the procedure for modifying the protection order if a procedure exists;

  • Inform victims of crime about decisions not to file charges in misdemeanor cases; 

  • Inform all victims of cold cases of any change in the status of the case; and 

  • Provide victims of cold cases for which the crime has a statute of limitations of longer than three years with an annual update concerning the status of the case.

  • The right to be informed by Law Enforcement of how the victim may request notification of the offender’s change of status from jail

District Attorneys’ Responsibilities 

District Attorney’s Offices have the responsibility to notify crime victims of: 

  • The filing of charges and provide an explanation of the charges; 

  • Decisions not to file charges in felony cases; 

  • Appropriate critical stages and the date, time and place of specified critical stages in the court proceedings; 

  • The name of the deputy district attorney handling the case and the court to which the case is assigned; 

  • The existence of the criminal protection order and upon the request of the victim, the procedure for modifying the protection order if a procedure exists; 

  • The availability of the district attorney to seek a court order to protect a victim’s residential address; 

  • Any pending motion that may substantially delay the prosecution and inform the court of the victim’s position on the motion; 

  • Any hearing concerning a petition for sealing of records; 

  • The availability of any benefits and/or transportation to and from court; and 

  • Any scheduling changes or cancellations, if such changes or cancellations are known in advance. 

In addition, the District Attorney shall: 

  • Consult, where practicable, with the victim concerning the reduction of charges, negotiated pleas, dismissal or other dispositions; 

  • Minimize contact between the victim and the defendant before, during, and immediately after a court proceeding; 

  • Facilitate the prompt return of a victim’s property when it is no longer needed for evidentiary reasons; 

  • Provide the victim with the opportunity to prepare a victim impact statement that is given to the Court; 

  • Inform the victim of the function of a presentence report and the name and telephone number of the probation officer preparing the report, as well as the defendant’s right to view the presentence report and the victim impact statement; 

  • Explain the victim’s right to attend and express an opinion at the sentencing hearing; 

  • Inform the victim of any hearing for reconsideration or modification of a sentence pursuant to a 35 (a) or 35(b) of the CO Rules of Criminal Procedure, (Note: a probation department shall notify a victim of a court ordered modification of the terms and conditions of probation); and 

  • Inform the victim of the right to receive information from correctional officials concerning the imprisonment and release of a person convicted of a crime against the victim and the right to receive information from the probation department.

  • The District Attorney’s Office, if practicable, shall inform the victim of any pending motion or decision by the District Attorney’s Office to sequester the victim from a critical stage in the case.  The District Attorney’s Office shall inform the Court of the victim’s position on the motion or the District Attorney’s decision, if any.  If the victim has objected, then the Court, before granting the sequestration order, shall state in writing or on the record that the victim’s objection was considered and state the basis for the Court’s decision.

  • The right to be informed by the District Attorney’s Office of how the victim may request notification of the offender’s change of status from DOC, probation, or the state mental hospital.

  • The right to be informed by the District Attorney’s Office of a request for progression from the state mental health hospital for an offender in its custody.

Court’s Responsibilities 

The Courts have the responsibility to: 

  • State on the record a victim’s objection to any motion that may substantially delay the prosecution and that the objection was considered prior to granting any delay; 

  • Acknowledge that a victim may be present at all critical stages of a criminal proceeding unless exclusion of the victim is deemed necessary; 

  • Inquire as to whether the victim is present and allow the victim to be heard at any court proceeding which involves: a bond reduction or modification, a subpoena for the victim’s records, the acceptance of a negotiated plea agreement, or the sentencing or modification of a sentence of any person accused or convicted of a crime against the victim; 

  • Make arrangements for a victim to appear by phone or similar technology when a victim is unavailable to appear in person for critical stages where the victim has a right to be heard (including victims that are incarcerated in a local jail, the Department of Corrections or the Division of Youth Corrections); 

  • Inform the victim of the results of any court-ordered HIV testing; 

  • Make all reasonable efforts to accommodate the victim upon the return of a verdict by the jury; 

  • Determine the amount, if any, of restitution to be paid to a victim by any person convicted of a crime; 

  • Provide victim information to any entity responsible for victim notification after the defendant is sentenced; and 

  • Upon request, to notify the victim of petitions filed by sex offenders to stop sex offender registration (see C.R.S.16-22-113(2)(c)). 

  • Court is responsible for informing the DA’s Office and Probation Department of a request by a probationer for early termination of probation or a request for any change in the terms and conditions of probation.

Victim’s Responsibilities 

Victims of crime have the following responsibilities: 

  • Keep appropriate criminal justice authorities informed of their or their representative’s current name, address, email address, and telephone number, and any changes in this information; 

  • Provide a written request to the appropriate agency if they want to be notified of information regarding the post-sentencing process. Request forms for enrollment information can be obtained from the District Attorney’s Office, the Probation Department, the Department of Corrections, the Division of Youth Corrections or the local jail; 

  • For victims of cold cases for which the crime has a statute of limitations of longer than three (3) years, to request in writing an annual update in the status of the case; 

  • To request notification of the release of a person accused or convicted of a crime from the county jail; 

  • To request notification by the court of a defendant’s petition to stop sex offender registration; and 

  • To request that correctional officials keep their address, telephone, place of employment and other personal information confidential.

For a complete list of your rights as a victim of crime as they relate to other criminal justice agencies please see:

The Process for Ensuring Your Victim Rights 

Colorado state law provides that victims of crime may enforce compliance with the provisions of the Constitutional Amendment by contacting the Crime Victim Services Advisory Board (Board). 

What to do if you feel your rights have not been provided to you: 

If possible, first attempt to seek compliance at the local level. This may include, but is not limited to: 

• Contacting the person whom you feel has not provided you with your rights and explaining specifically what has not been done; 

• Seeking assistance from your victim advocate, or other supportive persons such as a counselor; and 

• Seeking assistance from the elected official or the head of the agency you feel is not providing you with your rights. 

Contacts may be verbal or in writing. Accurate records of your efforts to seek compliance at the local level will be helpful to you and to the Crime Victim Services Advisory Board (Board) should you decide to file a formal request for compliance with the Victim Rights Act. 

If you feel you are unable to address your concerns at the local level or your efforts to resolve your concerns have been unsuccessful, you may request assistance from the Crime Victim Services Advisory Board (Board) by contacting the Victim Rights Act Specialist at: 

Colorado Department of Public Safety 
Division of Criminal Justice 
700 Kipling Street, Suite 1000 
Denver, CO 80215-5865 

303 239-4497